Friday, January 1, 2010

Genius, Goof, or Dumb the Nivea New Years Coup

I know Times Square for New Years is a goofy type party of pop culture. But plenty of people get dressed nice and go out to watch the ball then go out partying from there. When I saw.....witnessed...observed of watching the ball fall on TV was the Nivea Coup. Brilliant in one sense....ridiculous in a few others. Somehow Nivea gave out hundreds...thousands of big blue Nivea foam Top Hats that everyone put on. Crowd shots of people waving wearing these hats was funnier than anything Comedy Central pumps out. No matter who gave you the hat it was a corny New Years in NYC give away......but a liquor brand or even beer would be half way conscionable because it is a party...but Nivea? BRILLIANT! Now whether this leads to stronger Nivea sales remains to be seen.

But this is a perfect example of the evils of Advertising. Whether anyone cares to think of the moment and the people. Nivea got a gazillion impressions with the hats. People in and around Time Square (or looking down from the buildings), the TV exposure, and going forward all the personal private photos will forever have the Nivea Brand positioned prominently. All those uploads to share on Facebook or your digital picture frames etc.... so Nivea will be there for years to come. Yet how many of these people made a special trip to NYC for New Years? And why didn't grown Adults think about this stuff more!


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